Art, Music, and Craft: the Mosul Handbag
Family Activities for the festive season
Looking for more family activities for the holidays — or want to take another look at the Christmas Light Festival Workshop?
Here are some more creative ideas from the Multaka-Oxford team:
Ever wanted to learn to write in Arabic script?
Multaka volunteer Nawar shows you how to write:
- "Hello" (Marhban)
- "Merry Christmas" (milad magid), and
- "Handbag" (Al Hakeba)
in Arabic.
Want to learn to write more words in Arabic? Take a look at these videos from Rana Ibrahim, founder of Iraqi Women Art and War.
"With just a few brushstrokes, you can create beautiful, Islamic-inspired wallpaper patterns."
Jonathan Fruchter, Multaka volunteer and post-graduate maths student, created this website so you can create your own Islamic patterns.
Have a go!
Make your own replica Mosul Handbag
If you want to make a copy of the beautiful Mosul Handbag, download these pdfs from The Courtauld and follow step-by-step templates and instructions to create a model of the handbag. Then let your imagination flow as you colour in the details.
1. Courtauld Handbag Model and template
Inspired by the bag details?
Download these colouring sheets and create your own versions of the handbag designs.
3. Hunting roundel colouring sheet
4. Musician roundel colouring sheet
5. Geometric drawing and colouring sheet (based on Courtauld Bag designs)

Join the Multaka-Oxford team to make your own handbag
Jenan shows you how to make your own mini Mosul-style handbag
Cut out the template and craft along with Jenan
Alison shares some sparkly ideas for decorating your mini handbag, including gold foil from chocolate coins and pasta shapes
Looking for some more creative inspiration?
Here's Helen to take you on a behind-the-scenes tour of Precious and Rare: Islamic Metalwork from The Courtauld, plus a collage from Rana inspired by the exhibition: